Public Presentations
Buchner, T. (21.05.2015): Professionals, practices and subjectivities: The biographical impact of special schools.
Presented at IASSIDD Americas Regional Congress, May 20th - 22nd 2015, Honolulu, USA.
Buchner, T./Smyth, F. (07.05.2015): The biographical impact of special schools: 'Safe haven' or institutional discrimination? Insights from al European project.
Presented at the "Nordic Network on Disability Research Conference", May 6th - 8th 2015, Bergen, Norway.
Buchner, T./Smyth, F. (07.05.2015): Biographical experiences in 'inclusive schools': Subjektivation and ableism in narratives of young disabled people.
Presented at the "Nordic Network on Disability Research Conference", May 6th - 8th 2015, Bergen, Norway.
Buchner, T. (02.10.2014): Methodological issues in research on disability education and participation.
Guest lecture at the School of Education, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Buchner, T./Smyth, F. (04.09.2014): Learning resilience in mainstream school environments. The role of famlies, capitals and disability.
Presented at the "European Conference of Educational Research (ECER)", September 1st to 5th 2014, Porto, Portugal.
Buchner, T. (21.08.2014): Researching school experiences from a life course perspective: The case of Austria.
Workshop with staff of the Special Education Department, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Buchner, T. (20.08.2014): Qualitative Life Course research - History, concepts, opportunities and challenges for intercultural issues.
Public lecture at the Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Šiška, J. (17.07.2014): Institution, house or something in-between: the current state of deinstitutionalisation in Central and Eastern Europe.
Keynote speech at the "4th IASSIDD Europe Regional Congress" dedicated to the motto "Pathways to Inclusion", July 14th to 17th 2014, University of Vienna, Austria.
Buchner, T. (16.07.2014): The Hinges of Exclusion. A woman´s biographical struggle for participation.
Presented at the "4th IASSIDD Europe Regional Congress", July 14th to 17th 2014, University of Vienna, Austria.
Buchner, T. & Biewer, G. (18.06.2014): „Mein Leben“/Quali-TYDES: Lebensgeschichten und politischer Wandel – Befunde aus einem europäischen Forschungsprojekt.
National dissemination event, University of Vienna, Austria.
Buchner, T. (06.06.2014): The accumulation of disadvantages over the life course. Policies and biographies in the context of disability.
Public Lecture, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic.
Buchner, T. (04.06.2014): Was wir aus den Lebensgeschichten junger behinderter Personen über politischen Wandel lernen können.
Public Lecture, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Buchner, T. (10.03.2014): „Unter dem Radar fliegen‟. Eine biographische Studie zur Wirkweise von Ableism in Regelschulen.
Presented at the "24th DGfE-Congress: Traditions and Prospects", March 9th to 12th 2014, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany.
Buchner, T. (11.02.2014): Disability and the life course. Insights from a European project with a focus on the impact of educational settings on the biographies of young disabled students in Austria.
Public Lecture, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Šiška, J./Buchner, T./Smyth, F. (15.11.2013): Involving users and families – taking a human rights perspective and the power of life stories.
Presented at the Conference "Developing Community Based Support for People with Intellectual Disability: Working in Partnership to achieve change", November 15th 2013, Prague, Czech Republic.
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Biewer, G. (4.10.2013): Policies zugunsten behinderter Menschen im europäischen Vergleich: das Quali-TYDES Projekt.
Presented at: "6th Symposium Internationale Heil- und Sonderpädagogik", October 3rd - 5th 2013, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich, Germany.
Buchner, T. (04.10.2013): Der Einfluss von Policies auf die Leben behinderter Personen in Europa. Empirische Befunde aus einer internationalen Studie.
Presented at: "6th Symposium Internationale Heil- und Sonderpädagogik", October 3rd - 5th 2013, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich, Germany.
Latimier, C. (4.10.2013): Life Tracking with Young Disabled People who Grow up in Foster Families.
Presented at: "6th Symposium Internationale Heil- und Sonderpädagogik", October 3rd - 5th 2013, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich, Germany.
Ferreira, M. A. V. (04.10.2013): Neoliberalism, Globalization and Body: A practical-discursive construction of disability.
Presented at the "XXIX Latin American Congress of Sociology", September 29th - October 4th 2013, Andrés Bello University, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Panel discussion on "Disabling Policies in Latin America: emerging bodies, situated bodies".
Ferreira, M. A. V./Toboso, M. (30.09.2013): Subjective experience of disability: Narratives on bodily and emotional eviction.
Presented at the "XXIX Latin American Congress of Sociology", September 29th - October 4th 2013, Diego Portales University, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Working Group on "Sociology of the body and emotions".
Buchner, T. (20.09.2013): Transitions in Education: Insights from a European Life Course Project.
Presented at: "Moving On: Young Disabled People and Transitions Seminar", September 20th 2013, Queen's University, Belfast, UK.
Šiška, J./Káňová, Š. (05.07.2013): Growing up in a Foster Families: Experiences of Young Disabled Women.
Presented at the "2nd Annual Conference of ALTER - European Society for Disability Research", 13th to 15th July 2013, Leuven, Belgium.
Buchner, T. (03.07.2013): School experiences of disabled students in mainstream schools in Austria. Lessons for teachers.
Presented at the 6th International Conference on Teacher Education, July 2nd - 4th 2013, Jerusalem, Israel.
Ferreira, M. A. V. (06.06.2013): The Gap between Normative and Subjective Experience: Public Policies, Disability and Economic Crisis.
Presented at the "IV REPS (Spanish Network on Social Policies/Red Española de Política Social) Conference", June 6th - 7th 2013, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.
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Buchner, T. (05.06.2013): The Quali-TYDES project. Methodological perspectives on disability and the life course.
Workshop at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, June 5th - 6th 2013, Trondheim. Norway.
Buchner, T. (31.05.2013): Behinderungserfahrungen in der Sonderschule in biographischer Perspektive.
Presented at the conference "Bildungswege zwischen Teilhabe und Ausgrenzung. Biographische Ansätze in Forschung und Praxis", May 30th - June 1st 2013, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
Buchner, T. (23.05.2013): Doing Dis/ability in the classroom. Die Integration an Regelschulen aus dem Blickwinkel behinderter SchülerInnen.
Presented at the conference "Zur Produktion von Differenz in Bildungssystemen. Sozialwissenschaftliche IMPULSE für Schulforschung, Schulentwicklung und Lehrerbildung. Gemeinsame Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bildungswesen, der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie/Sektion Bildungssoziologie und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie", May 23rd - 24th 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Buchner, T. (23.04.2013): Disability and the life course. Insights from a European project with a focus on the impact of educational settings on the biographies of young disabled students in Austria.
Invited lecture at the Charles University, April 23rd 2013, Prague, Czech Republic.
Toboso Martín, M./Fernández-Cid, M./Díaz Velázquez, E./Rodríguez Díaz, S./Ferreira, M. A. V. (05.12.2012): La discapacidad como diversidad, contextos normativos y marcos convivenciales.
Presented at the "Congreso Internacional sobre Diversidad Social [International Conference on Social Diversity]", December 4th - 5th 2012, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
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Biewer, G. (02.12.2012): Biographical Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in European Educational Systems.
Presented at the "AARE-APERA 2012 WERA Focal Meeting: Regional and Global Cooperation in Educational Research", December 2nd - 6th 2012, University of Sydney, Australia.
Díaz Velázquez, E. (23.11.2012): Inclusión del alumnado con discapacidad en la educación superior e impacto en sus oportunidades laborales [Inclusion of disabled students in High Education and its impact on labor opportunities].
Presented at the "Congreso Internacional sobre Universidad y Discapacidad [International Conference on University and Disability". Fundación ONCE, November 22nd - 23rd 2012, Madrid, Spain.
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Buchner, T. (24.10.2012): Inklusive Forschung und Biographie. Möglichkeiten. Herausforderungen. Erfahrungen. Invited lecture, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Biewer, G./Buchner, T./Shevlin, M. et al. (18.09.2012): Biographical Experiences of People with Disability in European Educational Systems.
Presented at the "European Conference on Educational Research (ECER)", September 17th - 21st 2012, Cádiz, Spain.
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Buchner, T./Šiška, J. (12.07.2012): Educational pathways of young disabled people in Austria and Czech Republic.
Presented at the "IASSID World Congress", July 9th - 14th 2012, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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Buchner, T. (11.07.2012): Breaking out of segregated pathways: The impact of self advocacy on the lives of persons with learning difficulties.
Presented at the "IASSID World Congress", July 9th - 14th 2012, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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Buchner, T. (23.05.2012): Qualitative Tracking of Young Disabled Persons in Different European States.
Public lecture at Addis Ababa University, May 23rd 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Buchner, T. (16.05.2012): The Quali-TYDES Project. Qualitative Life Course Research: concepts, opportunities and challenges for intercultural issues.
Public lecture at Addis Ababa University, May 16th 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Buchner, T. (19.04.2012): Quali-TYDES. Using Life Course Research for analyzing and monitoring policy developments in different European states.
Invited lecture at the Charles University, April 19th 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
Ferreira, M. A. V. (14.03.2012): La discapacidad que habla Castellano: una mirada sociológica más allá del modelo social.
Presented at the "VIII Jornadas Científicas Internacionales de Investigación sobre Discapacidad", March 14th - 16th 2012, Salamanca, Spain.
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Buchner, T. (20.10.2011): Using Life stories to analyse and monitor public policies.
Presented at the "European Conference on Children's Rights - Project Children’s Rights for All: Monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child for children with intellectual disabilities", October 20th - 21st 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
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Buchner, T. (30.09.2011): Die Umsetzung der schulischen Integration in Österreich aus der Perspektive der behinderten SchülerInnen.
Presented at the "47. Arbeitstagung der Dozentinnen und Dozenten für Sonderpädagogik in deutschsprachigen Ländern - Jahrestagung der Sektion Sonderpädagogik der DGf", September 29th - Oktober 1st 2011, Oldenburg, Germany.
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Buchner, T./Biewer, G. (28.09.2011): Der Einfluss von Policies und Gesetzen auf die Leben behinderter Menschen: Das Quali-TYDES Projekt.
Presented at the "5. Symposium Internationale Heil- und Sonderpädagogik", September 28th - 29th 2011, Oldenburg, Germany.
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Ferreira, M. A. V. (9/2011): Cuerpo y discapacidad: perspectivas (latino) (ibero) americanas.
Presented at the "XXVIII ALAS Conference", September 6th - 11th 2011, Recife, Brazil.
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Buchner, T. (02.09.2011): Der Beitrag qualitativer Methoden zur Beforschung der Implementierung der Behindertenrechtskonvention (BRK) - Das Projekt Quali-TYDES.
Presentation at the "2. Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigung Wien: Der Kampf ums Recht. Akteure und Interessen im Blick der interdisziplinären Rechtsforschung", September 1st - 3rd 2011, Vienna, Austria.
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Buchner, T./Šiška, J. (28.05.2011): It's all hollow words or 'real change'? The impact of policies on the lives of young disabled people.
Presented at the "Nordic Network on Disability Research Conference", May 27th - 28th 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland.
NNDR - 11th Research conference
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Buchner, T. (25.02.2011): Alles Schall und Rauch? Auswirkung von politischen Leitlinien auf die Leben von behinderten Menschen.
Presented at the "25. Internationalen Jahrestagung der Integrations-/ Inklusionsforscher_innen: Inklusiv gleich gerecht? Inklusion und Bildungsgerechtigkeit". February 23th - 26th 2011, Bremen, Germany.
25. Internationale Jahrestagung der Integrations-/Inklusionsforscher_innen
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